Super G. and I took some photos of little critters out in the backyard today.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
This is a very cool thing.This was made By; GMH. The "wheels" are little shelves that spin. It comes in ALL!!! colors and can be custom made too.
That's all BYE :(
Posted by
7:40 PM
We are having a snowstorm. We had maybe 4-5 inches in the span of about 3 hours. Here is it after about 1" of snowfall. These photos were taken at about 1pm today. It was quite pretty. However, it wasn't so pretty when it came to shoveling!!
I managed to shovel half of one side of the driveway, and that was enough for my poor little back. I did not dare do any more. Husband was not feeling well, and the snowblower was out of commission. Ah, well. Didn't have the heart to ask a teenager to help (actually one of the two was sick).
I was planning to go out tonight with some friends, but opted to stay home where it is nice and warm, and away from traffic and unpredictable snowbanks. Plus-it is snowing again, and I'm not even sure that I can get out of the driveway!!
Maple tree in front yard...Lamp in front yard by driveway...
Birdfeeder and up the hill in the backyard...
Posted by
7:10 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Dinner-Masonic Historical Society
Seems I have been remiss. Haven't posted in a while. I must confess. I am an addict. Yes, it is bad. Facebook. I am addicted to Facebook. It's a problem. Hence the lack of blog posts in recent months.
Last Saturday husband and I spent an enjoyable evening at the Minnesota Masonic Historical Society Museum dinner. The speaker was from D.C.-he is the curator for the George Washington Masonic Memorial. Cool.
Nice time!
Husband standing with the author. I'm standing with friend R.-who always has a bright smile.
Posted by
1:33 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
It was the night before Valentine's Day. I heard from one of the girls, "Don't look in the freezer -- there's a surprise in there!" Well, you may as well have invited me to look. I peeked in...mmm DQ cake. Yum.
I LOVE DQ cake. So do the girls. I never used to be a big dessert-eater (except for special occasions, of course). The past couple years, the valentine chocolates sat on top of the fridge for months. But this year--I was looking forward to some special sweets. What a great surprise.
Before we ate, I wanted to pose with my cake. See my bright smile, anticipation etched on my face??
Then...right after this photo was taken, my beloved husband said, "Oh, but the cake isn't just for you. It's for all the girls."
I think he said that, because he is outnumbered.
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1:07 PM
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Bright Spot
S. just had a birthday...she's 14 now. I can hardly believe it.
As we were coming back from Caribou the morning of her birthday with one of her friends (which called for a celebratory White Chocolate Mocha with shot of raspberry), I reminisced about the day she was born.
S. is my second born. Our first daughter, A., was born in 4 hours, start to finish, 2 weeks before my due date. This is amazingly short, especially for a first child. All was fine, but the nurses and doctor had to really move quickly. Very, very quickly.
So in preparation for S.'s birth, we thought she had better be induced. So my OB planned the delivery. I would be induced, then maybe about 3-4 hours later, after his scheduled surgery, I would be ready for him to deliver the baby.
So we went in to the hospital at 9am. They broke my water, and I was give pitocin, to speed up the onset of labor, and in accordance with the schedule. From there, the careful planning pretty much went to he#@. Within about an hour, I had severe labor, and was progressing very, very rapidly. They called my doc with an update, and they determined that he wouldn't be done with the surgery in time to deliver my baby. So they called another doctor-no dice. Then they called another doctor. At this point, I was ready to push. But I had to wait. Finally, in came the Dr.! Once he was ready, I gave a couple pushes, and S. was born!
It was 11:45am. Whew. But yet, in about 15 minutes I was hungry and ready for lunch!
She couldn't wait to meet the world. And boy, am I glad she did!! She has always had a sweet, gentle, spirit. Her easygoing and ready smile lights up the room. She is definitely a bright spot in my life.
HBD, "Shorty!"
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1:56 PM