I have really enjoyed Shorty this fall, especially watching her take part in cross country. Running a couple miles every day at practice, being in good physical condition, a very encouraging coach, potlucks with the team, meets, and so forth.
Here she is at one of the meets. I took this with my mobile, as she was zipping by. She was hustling, striding out at the end of the 4k run. She cut a minute off her time in this race vs. the previous one!!One of the things we as parents really love, is that everyone participates in every cross country event. The top 7 or so run varsity, then 15 or so run JV, and the rest run as well. There is also a shorter mile race for middle schoolers. And something else -- the girls and the boys are all there together! I can't think of another sport that is like this. I think it is really great.
Parents are fun to experience as well. Some parents run across the course so they can see their kids and cheer them on multiple times in the course of a 4k or a 5k run. Me? Not so much. I have a chair for the bad back, and I really enjoy taking in all the sights: kids warming up, kids warming down, the races, chatting with other parents, and mostly the encouragement that everyone gives to the runners.
Very fun!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Like a Flash!
cross country,
high school sports,
Posted by
5:43 PM
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Firsts & last firsts today -- S's first day of high school. A's last first day of high school. G's last first day of elementary school & last first day at the bus stop! God bless all the kids.
It was a bit chilly at the bus stop. I actually had to wear a coat, with my flip flops.

First Day of School
Posted by
7:10 PM
Friday, August 6, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Clair de Lune
I just love this interpretation of Debussy's Clair de Lune, by Van Cliburn.
M. Peeders, my late piano teacher, played it in her last recital in 2009. Because of these two works of artistry, I am inspired to learn this piece next. I hope I can do it justice -- and I plan to do my very best to this end!!
Clair de Lune,
Claude Debussy,
Marilyn Peeders,
Van Cliburn
Posted by
2:31 PM
Friday, May 7, 2010
Practice makes...better?
I'll be playing in a piano recital a week from Sunday. I'm not too nervous -- yet.
Today I went over to our church to play on the grand piano that I will be playing for the recital. Like all pianos, it has its own intricacies and "feel" of the keys, the pedal, and so forth. I worked on some of the rough spots of the piece and tried to let my hands sing in other parts. It was a good time!
Here is the object of my practice. Beautiful, isn't it? I hope that I can do the instrument justice. And that I can make my piano teachers (current and "angel") proud.
M. Peeders,
piano recital. Edvard Grieg
Posted by
12:31 PM
Monday, May 3, 2010
Scary, Very Scary
The Little Kid took the photo shown below, at the Zoo a couple weeks ago. She was with her Girl Scout troop experiencing "Day with the Dolphins." They toured the dolphin exhibits and learned about care and feeding, tricks and so forth. They also saw some sharks.
They slept by the dolphin & shark tank, listening to the water, splashing, and the live water animals all night. This made a great impression on her--she kept bringing up how cool it was, and all the interesting facts that she learned!
So now, check out these teeth-wow!!
Girl Scout Activities,
the zoo
Posted by
12:03 PM
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Beautiful spring day! The sounds of birds singing, lawn mowers being fired up, many for the first time of the season, smells of outdoor grilling...awesome day.
Our lilacs are just about in full bloom. They stand just in front of an apple tree that blooms gorgeous every spring (and luckily leaves no messy apples in its wake).
These lilacs SMELL as delicious as they LOOK!!
apple tree in bloom,
spring flowers
Posted by
7:28 PM