Saturday, November 3, 2007

You're It!

I was "memed" a couple weeks ago by Kate.

Here are the rules which you must abide by if you are tagged.1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.

So here goes:
1) Blogging for me is relaxing, a nice side activity in a very full life-married with 3 daughters, working.
2) I take piano lessons. Yes, I love to play Chopin especially--I am learning Chopin Nocturne #2-Eb Major.
3) My favorite vegetable is brussel sprouts.
4) Would love to travel to Europe. U.K. to visit my friend K.P. who I met in college (in Germany). And Germany, the land of my ancestors.
5) I hate writing weird, random facts about myself. Mostly because I don't think I'm that particularly interesting to begin with.
6) I am a Lutheran at the World's Largest Lutheran Church. I go to church mostly for the music. When Robert Robinson-gospel singer-comes to sing, I weep because it is so beautiful (and duly embarrass daughter #1). I must carry a handkerchief to church at all times just in case he happens to be singing that morning.
7) I am a closet watcher of the SHO series Weeds.

Now-to tag. I am relatively new to blogging, so I'm taking it upon myself to tag 4 people. The rules are 7, folks, so tag on accordingly.
- The Obsessive Gardener
- 3rd Culture Mum
- Manuela-Flohbock
- Rachel-MySpace, yes-spanning into MySpace territory

Note to Manuela (sorry my translation addresses you formally)- Klicken Sie auf die deutsche Flagge auf der rechten Seite für die deutsche Übersetzung. Hoffen, dass Sie nicht aus, erneut mit Tags versehen - das ist ein wenig anders als die lange Liste zu schreiben Sie hatte vor ein paar Monaten!


Sylvana said...

Are you kidding? Having brussel sprouts as your favorite vegetable is VERY interesting!