Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Just Another Day

OK Tuesdays are busy in our household.

We have softball for S 7-8th grade slow pitch, and I am the coach. We play doubleheaders. So we are booked pretty much all evening...
Oh and I find myself spending an hour or so every Tuesday working out the lineup and the batting order. We rotate positions often and I'm constantly trying to balance who plays where, who likes which positions, how best to rotate pitchers, who will play catcher (no one likes this), etc. etc.

And G has soccer for 2nd graders. This is also on Tuesdays.

Papa sometimes (OK often) has meetings. Or he has to work. That's OK, as these events for him are important. Obviously.

So this Tuesday I had to figure out how to get G to soccer and home again because I wasn't available and Papa was busy. I had the ride home covered, with one of our friends, so that was good.

So I needed to figure out how to get her TO the game. So after contemplating this for a while, finally I checked with her. "Is *girl with pretty name* on your team?" "Oh yes." was the reply. Wow OK great, I thought. I will check with the mom and sure sounds like we have this covered. Yes, after a phone call or two we were set.

So we load all the equipment for the softball game-some snacks, water, and my lineup, scoresheet, game balls, etc. (oh and crutches just in case I needed them) and take Super G. in uniform, cleats, shin guards, water, pretty headband of course, to house at the designated time.

So we ring the doorbell, and the *girl with pretty name* is oh wait! not in her soccer uniform. Hmmm-first clue that something is amiss. The mom looks at us blankly. I think to myself...wait, what team is *girl with pretty name* on? Oh and we come to the realization that, yes, uh, hum, they are not on the same team. The minute that she saw G's jersey, oh she was wondering what was up.

WAIT they are not even on the same team! Not only that, but their games aren't even at the same time!"

At this point I basically wanted to crawl into a hole.

"Um, can you still drive her to the game?" I ventured meekly.

"Aw, sure, yes, no problem."


Yes, this is me. Dunderhead soccer mom.

I called her today to thank her for the ride and for going with the spontaneous flow. And we chuckled about it together.